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Dauntless - Boreus Concept Art
The final marketing image for Boreus, created with the help of 3d and animation folks, Nick Unden and Juan Nuno -

The final marketing image for Boreus, created with the help of 3d and animation folks, Nick Unden and Juan Nuno -

The final concept for Boreus and his minions

The final concept for Boreus and his minions

A bunch of color options

A bunch of color options

A few more focused sketches, and final sketches of the minions.

A few more focused sketches, and final sketches of the minions.

Some earlier sketches, trying to figure out his exact proportions, armor distribution, etc.

Some earlier sketches, trying to figure out his exact proportions, armor distribution, etc.

Some really early concepting of what the minions could look like

Some really early concepting of what the minions could look like



More ice VFX

More ice VFX

Boreus shields himself after a short time with ice armor, becoming invulnerable until you destroy his minions

Boreus shields himself after a short time with ice armor, becoming invulnerable until you destroy his minions

Initial thumbnail composition for the marketing image

Initial thumbnail composition for the marketing image

Dauntless - Boreus Concept Art

I've been working at Phoenix Labs for about 6 months now, on our PC and soon to be cross-platform title, Dauntless. This is the first behemoth I had the opportunity to design, start to finish, and I'm SO pumped to see it finally released in game for players to fight. Was a ton of fun to work on with such a skilled team of artists and designers.

It's free-to-play, so if you want to give it a shot and see what I've been working on, check it out here! -

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